TIC Report


How to Strengthen Italy-U.S. Ties Overcoming challenges of the next decades

The 2022 Dialogues Archive and the Transatlantic Investment Committee’s Policy Repor

Taking the Green and Digital Twin Revolutions as a mandatory imperative for the years to come, and the US-EU Trade Technology Council (TTC, https://www.state.gov/us-eutrade- and-technology-council-ttc/) as a cornerstone for any political and business decision regarding the cooperation between Italy, Europe and the US at a strategic level, in 2022 the Transatlantic Investment Committee will interview and involve almost 100 key people from the US and Italy.

Based on preferences, the interviews will be carried out, in audio-video format, by specialized operators in one of the following ways:

  • In Italy: at Federmanager or Utopia Studios
  • In Italy: remotely or at the interviewee
  • In the United States: at the interviewee or remotely

The interviewees will be selected among the top levels of:


Corporations and SMEs




Financial Sector Legal Sector


Researchers and Academics

The Interviewees will be figures operating in Italy and the United States and interested in providing their contribution on what actions should / could be undertaken

Respondents should be invited to explore, through their responses, how to implement policies and other initiatives that could bring value to our relationship by improving trade, super infrastructure, innovation, investment, minimizing bureaucracy, and boosting human capital empowerment. They will also be invited to suggest actions to discover, connect, empower, and network people and entities with specific competitive advantages.

Dedicate a specific focus on how
to align investments with
the competitive and enabling infrastructures
of tomorrow, such as energy, ultra-high-speed broadband, research,
ultra-high-speed transportation, and so on;
Strengthen cooperation among our
industrial and entrepreneurial sets, so that
together they perform better on the
international stage, integrating their strengths
in terms of competitiveness and
value chains;
Continue to maintain high
sensitivity among public and private stakeholders
to the strategic essence of making two like-minded countries,
such as Italy and the United States,
increasingly capable of jointly meeting
upcoming business, strategic,
and social challenges through more coordinated actions
and policies..
Enhance the emergence of coordinated R&D,
venture and technology transfer
programs in the most
sensitive and in-demand fields of innovation
, such as those related to the green and digital revolutions,
as well as the healthcare sector;
Coordinated research and development
Industrial cooperation
Cross-border Investments