

What TIC aims to do is to maximize the joint potential of American and Italian productive realities and centers of excellence, in the broader context of the social and geopolitical transitions underway.

TIC was officially presented on October 28, 2021, in the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luigi Di Maio, the Italian Ambassador to the United States, Mariangela Zappia, and the Acting Chargé d’Affaires of the United States of America in Italy, Thomas Smitham, in an event co-organized by the promoters at the Centro Studi Americani.


Maximise joint potential

Join strenghts

Joint and consistent positioning within the geopolitical landscape

Fruitful engagement amongst partnering countries

TIC’s mission and scope aims to effectively manage the paradigm shit within the global landscape: disruptive technologies, significant social and economic changes in recent decades will radically transform society. Geopolitical positioning and multilateral exchanges face new challenges hence new formats to compete are needed such as the US-EU Trade and Technology Council


TIC founded by 4 strategic associations
, is platform of transatlantic decision-makers aiming to
foster and strengthen trade and joint investments
in Italy and United Stated if America.
It’s a distinctive platform driving a improved global
competitive positioning of both countries’ economies
across strategic industries as well
as in innovation through
research and development efforts.


A platform aiming to accelerate
countries trade and technology exchanges to
strategically enhance joint
competitiveness and resiliency.
TIC 2023+ will broaden
its scope at European level

  • Investments
  • Research
  • Development
  • Report
  • Exchange
  • Higher Education
LUIGI DI MAIO transatlanticinvestmentcommittee
Luigi Di Maio
MInistro degli Esteri

Oggi più che mai c’è bisogno che l’Europa e gli Stati Uniti siano uniti per affrontare le sfide globali che sono in essere e che ci attendono

zappia TIC Ambasciatrice Italiana negli USA
Mariangela Zappia
Ambasciatrice Italiana negli USA

Come Ambascatrice Italiana a Washington non posso che cogliere l’invito a far parte di questo ambizioso progetto e di questa eccellente squadra

our history


Oct 2021
TIC presentation in an event co-organized by the promoters at the Center for American Studies
May 2022
First "Strategic Way to Usa" ICT Training Course organized in Rome
Jul 2022
First annual T.I.C. meeting in Rome
Sep 2022
First annual TIC meeting in Brussels: “ A Transatlantic Challenge: the TTC, one year after”
Oct 2022
First annual TIC meeting in Washington DC
Mar 2023
Stakeholder Engagement Events: Rome, Milan, Bruxelles, London